Shobair Foundation

We are a small group of people trying to help poor children and peddlers across Iran and Afghanistan, we are currently trying to provide food and clothing to them using only our own personal funds. These children are in a situation where they find themselves on the streets, alone, with no food, no help from anyone, and they see no future for themselves. Our organization is small, we are only five people and we are doing everything that we can to help as many children and peddlers as possible but our resources are limited.

I was born in Iran, then I lived in Afghanistan for a while and am currently back in Iran, where I see so many children out on the streets trying to survive and although I, myself, do not have an abundance of means, I try my best to provide any help that I can to these children. We are currently focused in Iran but we would like to expand our resources to Afghanistan as well, because there are many suffering children there as well.

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